Our school is a secondary grammar school providing general education for our students. The school was established in 1994 and in 2016 united with two elementary schools in our town. There are 47 classes and about 1.000 learners altogether.At our grammar school there are 8 classes, about 170 students. The pedagogical staff includes 15 teachers. There are specialized classrooms - an ICT classroom, a science laboratory and a language laboratory. A half of the classrooms is also equipped with tablets for all pupils in the class. The students also take part in many various activities organized by our school every year, e.g. biological courses, sport courses (skiing, water rafting, cycling, …), charity events, students’ days, thematic days and workshops. There are organized a lot of trips and exchange programmes for them to visit foreign countries. Our school is also involved in EUREGIO-projects, which means that students go to Germany and attend lessons there for eight months. Our activities We are the school giving students the opportunity to connect to others, we try to set up online collaboration projects with other schools, e.g. eTwinning that helps to improve not only the digital and language skills but also cooperation, initiative and cross-cultural understanding. We have done some eTwinning projects recently, this year we have been working on five eTwinning projects, there was also an exchange staying in Slovenia, we created our own project webpage and did many activities with our students. Digital technology, the Internet and cloud computing can facilitate innovative ways of learning. It is important to give pupils competences such as collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. We are integrating virtual reality and QR codes in our lessons, to bring popular technologies into our lessons. We also teach IT in a newly equipped room and everything is aimed to provide wide range of information from different branches. We have invited native speaking teachers in the previous years and we organize a lot of talks with interesting people on interesting topics (places, people, traditions, history, etc.).